Development of low-cost sustainable protection of flat roofs with a smart RFID monitoring system (SRM&P)

Development of low-cost sustainable protection of flat roofs with a smart RFID monitoring system (SRM&P)

Goal/purpose of the project:

As part of the project, we will develop a low-cost system for the detection of sagging on flat roofs and a system-related service for reading and processing the collected data. The SRM&P system – sustainable roof monitoring & protection, changes the paradigm of roof monitoring, which is currently effectively implemented only with very expensive and complex IoT solutions. The SRM&P system will consist of several components: smart electronic markers with integrated humidity and temperature sensors, RFID readers, mobile application, BIG DATA data analysis system. In addition, we will check the possibility of reading sensor data using an aircraft (drone) and combining the collected sensor data with the data collected using a drone for a better assessment of the condition of the roof.

Total value of the project: EUR 535,388.10

Total amount of co-financing: EUR 299,737.60

Consortium partners:

DIMING d.o.o.
DIMNIKI d.o.o., Ljubljana

The operation was selected for co-financing at the Public Tender “Incentives for research and development projects of NOO” (JR RRI NOO).

The investment is part of the recovery and resilience plan measures and is financed by the European Union under the Recovery and Resilience Fund – NextGenerationEU.

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