Career Opportunities at Dim_ing Group

An excellent opportunity for professional fulfillment and personal growth in a corporate environment with experts in construction and architecture. We recognize the importance of good interpersonal relationships and the well-being of all our employees, and we are committed to maintaining this positive atmosphere. We are proud to work together, and we have the capability to develop anything we set our minds to.

Career Opportunities at Dim_ing Group

An excellent opportunity for professional fulfillment and personal growth in a corporate environment with experts in construction and architecture. We recognize the importance of good interpersonal relationships and the well-being of all our employees, and we are committed to maintaining this positive atmosphere. We are proud to work together, and we have the capability to develop anything we set our minds to.

DIMING GROUP je združenje strokovnjakov iz področja gradbeništva, ki delujejo skupaj z namenom ustvarjanja sinergije, izmenjave znanja in zagotavljanja celovitih rešitev v gradbeni industriji. Sledimo viziji inovacij in odličnosti, pri čemer vsak projekt obravnavamo z edinstveno zavezanostjo kakovosti in trajnosti.

Trenutno imamo odprta naslednja delovna mesta, na katera vabimo nove sodelavce:

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